
《观察与建议》| 改革中国个人所得税制度

亚洲开发银行 亚洲开发银行 2021-09-06
《观察与建议》2020-02 | 改革中国个人所得税制度
Observations & Suggestions 2020-02 | Reforming the Personal Income Tax System in the People’s Republic of China

This publication outlines personal income tax system reforms in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) following the amendment of the country’s Personal Income Tax Law in 2018.

The PRC has made significant steps in amending the country’s Personal Income Tax Law in 2018. Yet, there are still issues to consider for further improvement. Based on international experiences and comparisons, this publication recommends that personal income tax system reforms in the PRC must include (i) broadening the country’s tax base, (ii) streamlining and limiting special deductions, (iii) optimizing the tax rate structure, and (iv) reinforcing tax collection and administration by strengthening compliance and improving law enforcement.

  • 2018年《中华人民共和国个人所得税法修正案》是中华人民共和国(中国)个人所得税(个税)制度的一次根本性改革。
    The Amendment to the Personal Income Tax Law in 2018 was a fundamental reform to the personal income tax system in the People’s Republic of China.

  • 然而,国际比较和案例研究表明,中国的个税制度仍存在一些问题,包括:(1)税基狭窄,(2)专项扣除范围广泛,(3)劳动所得税负重而资本所得税负轻,(4)税率结构未达到最优,以及(5)税收遵从率低。
    International comparisons and case studies, however, show that some issues remain. These include (i) a narrow taxpayer base, (ii) broad special deductions, (iii) a heavy tax burden on labor income but a light one on capital income, (iv) a suboptimal tax rate structure, and (v) a low tax collection compliance rate.
  • 澳大利亚、德国、日本、瑞典、英国和美国成功推行税收改革的经验教训充分说明,拓宽税基、限制专项扣除的规模和范围、强化税收遵从度以及提高透明度具有重要意义。
    Lessons from successful tax reforms in Australia, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States highlight the importance of a wide tax base, a limited scale and scope of special deductions, strong tax compliance, and increased transparency.

    Based on international experiences, this note provides policy recommendations in four areas: (i)broadening the tax base by freezing the current level of the basic deduction and including individual business income, pensions, and annuities into comprehensive income; (ii) streamlining and limiting special deductions; (iii)optimizing the tax rate structure by reducing the top marginal tax rate and increasing the minimum marginal rate; and (iv) strengthening tax compliance by stricter law enforcement.



Observations and Suggestions is an English-Chinesebilingual publication series produced by experts from inside and outside ofADB's East Asia Department. The policy notes are designed to provideinformation and advice on development issues to East Asia’s civil servants andpolicymakers. They are produced either on request from the Government or as aninitiative of the East Asia Department on topics expected to emerge as policyor reform priorities.



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